Friday, September 12, 2008

gartner family reunion

we had our first gartner family reunion this past july. it was at bear lake and we had a lot of fun. we, of course, got to go to the lake but we also went to the paris, id tabernacle and minnetonka cave.


The Bluths said...

He looks like the picture perfect gerber baby, so cute! Long time no post! How are things? You in Rexburg still?

Heather Walker said...

Wow...a new post! Cute pics--looks like you guys had a great time at the reunion!

Christensen family said...

Caiden is so cute. We miss you guys. Landon wants to play with his best bud.

Indiana Transplants said...

Hi guys! Glad you got to get away with some family.. It's great to see some pictures and see what you've been up to. Iknow... I don't have room to talk about no late posting updates. I've got to catch up. Hope things are going great at the new place in Rexburg. Hugs from all of us in Jerome.